Bible Study Groups

Apart from the teaching at the formal Church services we have also a Bible study group in different locations of the city where our members live. At present we have 4 location where a weekly Bible Study is conducted.

  1. Ammerud
  2. Bjørndal
  3. Linderud
  4. Bøller

Contact: Brother Assefa Kebede

Tel. 97303977

ከመደበኛ የእሁድ የአምኮ ፐሮግራም በተጨማሪ በየአካባቢው ሳምንታዊ የአካባቢ የመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ጥናት ይካሄዳል፡፡ በአሁኑ ወቅት በከተማዋ የተለያ ዩ ክፍሎች 4 የአካባቢ የመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ጥናት ቡድኖችሉ ሲሆን እነሱም

  1. Ammerud
  2. Bjørndal
  3. Lindeud
  4. Bøller ናቸው

  ተጠሪ  ወንድም  አሰፋ ከበደ 

Tel. 97303977