Homework & Mother Tongue Language Teaching

This Ministry is engaged in providing assistance to our children in 2 areas.

1) Helping our Children in their Homework supporting them especially in the field of mathematics and Physics.

2) Teaching the  children Amharic reading and writting lessons which is vital for communication with parents and to keep their relationship with the country of their parents.

Contact: Dr. Dereje Hailemariam 

Tel. 47677787

ይህ አገልግሎት በ2 ክፍል የተከፈለ ሲሆን

1) ልጆች የቤት ስራቸውን ሲሰሩ የማይገባቸውን ክፍል ማስረዳትና ማገዝ

2) የአማርኛን ቋንቋ በማስተማር የወላጆቻቸው አገር ከሆነችው ኢትዮጵያ ጋር ግንኙነታቸው እንዳይቋረጥ መርዳት  ሲሆን  ልጆቹ በሁለቱም ዘርፎች በጣም ተጠቃሚ ሆነዋል፡፡

Contact: ደረጀ ኃይለማርያም

Tel. 47677787